Were the Gods Star Travelers?

Were the Gods Star Travelers

Every mystery of every religion throughout human history is solved if you replace the word “god” with “star traveler” in each. When you consider the mounting archaeological evidence of alien intervention in human history and the advanced physics and technologies we are discovering today, the stories of “miracles” all become scientifically possible. Stories from religious texts that seemed to be nothing more than pure fiction all of a sudden become historical records. So, the question becomes, were the gods star travelers?

To my Christian friends, don’t despair. If you look at Jesus from this point of view, he will indeed be back to take you to “heaven”. If the science is correct, he will appear exactly as he did when he left. Eternal life also becomes possible in a dimension where time is stagnant. It also explains all the miracles. How about if the immaculate conception was artificial insemination? Or, how about the “Star of Bethlehem” that appeared at Jesus’ birth? An alien craft or orb would certainly explain it. I could go on and on, and not just with Christianity. Basically, all of the things we consider miracles or supernatural are now becoming scientifically possible, and in some cases explained.

The Evidence of Star Travelers

The evidence being found at Skinwalker Ranch and elsewhere confirms that we are not alone (as if we needed more evidence) and portals to other dimensions exist. Our government knows the answers to many of these things. They have withheld it because they believed the human race was not ready to handle the truth. Just ask the Majestic Twelve. In addition, modern archaeological technologies are proving that things once considered to be “supernatural” and “paranormal” folklore are indeed real. Ancient texts that once seemed to be pure fiction are proving themselves to be actual historical records. The governments of the world can’t deny it anymore, so they are conditioning us for the big reveal. That’s what’s coming, my friends, that’s what’s coming. Don’t be surprised if the human race is just a big experiment that is being manipulated from elsewhere. Our planet may just be a Petri dish, started over and over again, over the course of millions of years.

– Rondym Kiefe

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