Trump Trying to Start Civil War Again

trump trying to start civil war again

He’s Not Running for President

Let’s be clear, America. As Trump goes farther off the rails and becomes more extreme each day, his chances of winning a general election diminish and he never had a chance anyway. He knows that. His party is in chaos and divided, his base has dwindled, and there is no way he has gained supporters from the middle. So what is he doing? He is not running for president, folks. Trump is trying to start a civil war again.

Just like he did on 1/6, he will do everything he can to convince his blind faithful they should take up arms when he loses the election. This attempt is a last ditch effort to destroy the country and avoid the prison sentences he faces. He does not care about this country and never has. He has done everything he can to undermine the rule of law, and every democratic institution that makes America what it is. Party affiliation is no longer an excuse, after all we have seen.

The Growing Danger for Violence

There are a few reasons why the danger is greater this time around. This time, the more extreme elements of his followers have had time to prepare. I would imagine their communications have gone underground to avoid detection. Also, and quite ironically, many of his faithful are ex-military. That is where you will find the caches of weapons arsenals. In addition, many of those ex-military become law enforcement officers, as it is often the career their training makes them best suited for upon leaving the military.

All non-white Americans of any kind should understand he looks down on them. All non-white immigrants are in danger of being attacked by his followers at any time, especially after he loses the election. He has increased his dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric. He hopes to convince his brainwashed faithful that immigrants are what is wrong with this country. When the time comes, he will call upon those people to act, just like he did last time. Have no illusions. Donald Trump is trying to start a civil war again.

Trump is a National Security Threat

Furthermore, he remains a threat to our national security because he knows too much. Anyone who is paying attention knows he is beholden to Putin. We also know that he stole top secret documents, which we can only hope are not already in the possession of our adversaries like Russia. If he is put in prison, he will find a way to leak everything he knows to our adversaries out of personal vengeance. Whatever arrangements are appropriate, he needs to be silenced permanently so we can all sleep at night.

-Rondym Kiefe

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