Joe Biden, the Man

Who is Joe Biden the man, and what is in his heart?

As we head into the 2020 election, it is increasingly clear that Joe Biden will win handily. As such, I wanted to examine the character of the man that is going to be our next president. In today’s world of politics, it is often difficult to discern the truth from the noise. So, I just had a few things I wanted to say that I believe to be true about Joe Biden.

Before he is anything else, Joe Biden is a human being, and has a very deep appreciation for humanity itself. That core appreciation is essential to being a president that truly represents the people. He has endured tragedy and grief that no one should have to experience in their lifetime. He tragically lost his wife and daughter in a car accident, and later lost a son to cancer. Anyone who has experienced that kind of traumatic loss and grief will undoubtedly have a deeper appreciation for life itself, and Joe clearly does.

Joe Biden, the man, is marked by his sincerity. How can you tell Joe is sincere? Because Joe is an emotionally balanced man. He is a kind man, but has his limitations. He calls ’em like he sees ’em, and when he thinks someone is a “clown” or a “liar”, he is not afraid to look them in the eye and tell them so. In other words, what you see is what you get. He will be a president that is honest with the American people.

I remember a brief attempt to smear Joe during the primaries that was troubling to me. I recall an accusation of him smelling a woman’s hair as he stood behind her, and her finding it “creepy”. Listen, I’m a supporter of the #Me Too Movement. But, in this case, I feel the woman in question should have considered his intent, and used that as a basis to be more understanding. To an older man with such a deep and colorful past, a simple scent can bring back a flood of memories. I don’t know what was going through his mind, but I’m guessing it was a moment of appreciation and gratitude, and nothing more. I just don’t believe there was anything sexual or creepy about it.

The other issue I want to address is criticism of Joe’s record in Congress, where he served for decades. It is a mistake to criticize decisions of senators from decades ago without context. Of course it is easy to nitpick some comment from 30 years ago, and spin it into some byte that would be out of touch with today’s political climate. Over the past 50 years, our society has evolved in ways that make the world of my youth unrecognizable. Gender relations have come so far that conduct considered normal in the 1970’s would be entirely inappropriate today. In other words, you can’t apply today’s standards to decisions made decades ago. Times change, and good people grow. However, when Joe sees that a certain piece of past legislation was a failure, he takes responsibility and calls it a failure. That is a just a testament to his character.

It is impossible to discuss Joe Biden the man, without giving a profoundly meaningful mention to his wife, Jill. She has been a rock for Joe, and has always shown extraordinary character when it comes to her relationship with Joe and his family. Aside from being the light of Joe’s life, Jill holds a doctorate, is an educator, and stands on her own merits as a woman of great substance and grace. Her genuine class opens the door to being an exceptional and influential First Lady.

To conclude, let’s talk about Joe’s qualifications to be president. Joe has been a public servant for almost half a century. It is my guess that he is only running out of a sense of duty to his country, and a promise he made to his dying son. To say he knows the ropes would be an absurd understatement. He has been a state’s Attorney General, a Senator of 3 decades, and an 8 year Vice President under one of the most popular presidents in modern history. In short, it means that there is no one more qualified than Joe Biden to have the country on the path to recovery from day one. Joe understands how it all functions. He understands the value of our extraordinary institutions. Above all, Joe Biden is a good and decent man. He speaks the truth, and has a great big heart.

-Rondym Kiefe

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