Nationwide Holiday Stay at Home Plan

Now more than ever, we need a national plan to end Covid-19 in America. As we approach the end of 2020, the pandemic is raging out of control across the country. In many areas, the virus is spreading exponentially, and hospitals are already pushed beyond capacity. If we continue our current trajectory, hospitals are projected to soon become overrun. This would add catastrophe to what is already a public health disaster. In response, some local governments have imposed restrictions aimed at combating this spread. These restrictions often include the closure of businesses and schools. When you add it all up, we would be wise to implement a nationwide “Holiday Stay at Home Plan.”

Unfortunately, the Federal government has not only failed to combat the virus since the onset, but instead made it worse. For the 8 months since the pandemic began, they have failed to present any cohesive national plan. Conversely, the consistent messaging has been a campaign of disinformation and denial. Instead of mandating life-saving practices such as facial coverings, they have consistently discouraged their use through politicization and propaganda. The outgoing Administration’s failures are well documented. The U.S. has consistently reported some of the worst infection rates per capita in the world. We also account for a grossly disproportionate number of worldwide deaths. All we need to know is that more than 250,000 American lives have been lost to the virus. That should tell you that we need a national plan to end Covid-19 in America.

The Nationwide “Holiday Stay at Home Plan”

On a rare positive note, the outgoing Administration did throw a fortune (of taxpayer money) at the pharmaceutical companies with the mandate to produce vaccines. Those companies are now reporting major successes and plans to begin vaccine distribution are underway. Their projections suggest that vaccinations will begin in late December. So, how do we get to the finish line and save as many lives as possible in the meantime?

The fact is, we have already endured 8 months of sacrifice, and now there is light at the end of the tunnel. The timing could not be more ideal. We are approaching the holiday season and have exactly six weeks until the end of 2020. Six weeks is precisely the amount of time required for an effective closure. It is also the amount of time we must wait until the vaccination process begins, and therapeutics are authorized for use. During this period, many businesses slow down, and schools already have many weeks of holiday vacation on their schedules. The next six weeks present a unique opportunity to implement a nationwide “Holiday Stay at Home Plan”.

The plan is simple. This year, Americans will stay home with their immediate families for the last six weeks of the year. Parties with friends and relatives will have simply have to be online. For the large number of Americans that do not come from a Norman Rockwell painting, it might even be a relief anyway. As we all know, the holidays can be stressful, particularly when it comes to travel. It all depends on your perspective. If we implemented this plan, we could realistically expect to see life return to near normal by summer, 2021. If there is one thing every American should agree on, it is that we all want our lives back.

Paying For the “Holiday Stay at Home Plan”

The obvious necessity for this plan to work is income for every American. Our economy has been destroyed and we are now seeing lines at food banks that stretch for miles. We have not witnessed scenes like these since the Great Depression. In addition, recently imposed restrictions have already closed many non-essential businesses. As part of the plan, Congress should pass a massive stimulus that is nearly double the amount of their first and only stimulus payments for individuals and families. It would be a sort of, “sorry for wrecking your lives, the holidays are on us” kind of payment. No, it would not make up for their failures, because that is not possible now. However, it could save hundreds of thousands of American lives and put us on the fast track to recovery.

Meanwhile, Back on Earth…

Timing is everything. Unfortunately, the outgoing Administration is consumed with subverting the core of democracy. After waging a war on fair elections, they are now refusing to accept an overwhelming defeat. Their actions have disregarded the best interests of the American people and served only to sow the seeds of destruction. In short, the White house has declared war on America and its people.

Equally alarming, it has now become difficult to believe that recovery is something the GOP led senate genuinely wants. Unfortunately for the American people, they are the only body in a position to stop the destruction. They have refused to do so for 4 years. Instead they have aided and abetted the constant undermining of our institutions and the rule of law. The pandemic has served to increase wealth inequality by enriching the billionaire class at absurd rates. The GOP controlled senate serves that 1% at the expense of the 99%. Is a plan like this a great idea and an example of what actual leadership looks like? Of course. Will it happen? No. Sadly, that is precisely where we are today. If you are not outraged by what is happening in America, you have been misled and misinformed.

-Rondym Kiefe

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