Senate Runoffs in Georgia Will Change US History

How Will the Senate Runoffs in Georgia Change US History?

The senate runoffs in Georgia will change the course of US history for years to come. If both Democratic candidates win their seats, the GOP will lose control of the US Senate by no longer holding a majority. That would remove McConnell from his role as majority leader and strip him of his obstructionist stranglehold on the senate agenda. Such a demotion would effectively end his ability to obstruct the consideration and passage of literally hundreds of bills passed by the House of Representatives, for the good of the American people.

These bills have been piling up on McConnell’s desk for years. He has acted against the will of the American people by precluding the consideration or passage of those bills since 2014. In addition, he held up the confirmation of hundreds of Federal judges, and Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. In short, McConnell entrenched an era of some of the most ruthless partisanship ever exhibited, leading to the outrageous, institution eroding behavior we see today. This extreme partisan behavior tramples on tradition, honor, and decency such as we have never before witnessed. It is also why our Congress has failed to serve the American people, even in our time of greatest need.

In short, McConnell is the instrument of powers that demonstrate wanton disregard for America’s long term interests and the American people themselves. Unfortunately, this “at all costs” strategy continues to erode and undermine our most sacred institutions. It has served to delegitimize the rule of law, push our Constitution to its limits, and even erode public trust in elections, the cornerstone of democracy itself.

How Did We Get Here?

Simply put, McConnell has single-handedly obstructed the will of the American people for six years. He is poised to do so for at least another two years, unless the two senate seats in the runoff go to Democrats. In times past, his actions would have been considered outrageous. But, we live in a much different America today. At this time, the only branch of government that is putting America and the rule of law above partisanship politics is the judiciary branch. Frankly, they are responsible for preventing a complete meltdown at this moment.

The House of Representatives is a body of representatives chosen by their districts to represent their constituents. In theory, the body constitutes the “will of the people.” The Senate has historically been more of a “rubber stamp” or “editor” for the House of Representatives. With McConnell running the Senate, it has become the graveyard for every bill that passes the House. In doing so, he has effectively thwarted every effort that the House of Representatives has taken to help the American people. Shamelessly, if not proudly, he even aptly nicknamed himself “The Grim Reaper.”

Remember “repeal and replace?” How did that work out for America? When it comes to analyzing government, I use a “believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see” approach. The fact is “repeal” failed, and “replace” never existed. Think long and hard about that one. For two years, the GOP could have passed anything it wanted, including any healthcare plan they dreamed up. So, what did they come up with? There was no healthcare plan. Instead, they fought unsuccessfully to dismantle the existing one. They also passed no bills on the infrastructure, which had bipartisan support and would have benefited every American. No, they only passed massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, at the long term expense of lower and middle income taxpayers. In other words, the GOP controlled legislature gave the wealthiest Americans a cash advance on the credit card of the American taxpayer.

How Can We Make The Government Work For All People?

What matters most to Americans is their everyday lives. Most Americans do not concern themselves with the daily details of government. Advanced societies become specialized societies, and most citizens understandably prefer to focus their attention elsewhere. That is the luxury that our empire affords our citizens. Simply put, if our government can give our citizens stability and make their lives better, people will be productive and content. That sounds easy enough, right? Well, it should be. Amazingly, after a long and hard-fought election, the senate runoffs in Georgia will determine if he next two years hold stability and growth, or more of the same stagnation.

Sadly, human corruption and greed have a stranglehold on the leadership of the Senate. For far too long, Washington has been controlled by the special interest groups that are the faces of greed and corruption. Mitch McConnell is their protector and the instrument of their stranglehold on Congress. He serves only special interests, with no regard for the long term interests of the American people. If you want the Congress to work for you and your family, he must be removed form his role. That means that the American people can effectively take back the government if Warnock and Ossoff win their races. It’s is a matter of choosing what is best for you and your family. It’s a matter of choosing what is best for America’s future.

If They Turn Out Right, The Senate Runoffs in Georgia Can Change US History

Consider what each outcome means. If the Senate majority leader remains Mitch McConnell, our Congress will be of limited use to the American people. If Democrats control the Senate, Biden will raise taxes, but not unless you make more than 400K/year. That is less than 2% of the population. Do you make more than 400K/year? If so, congratulations, and I hope you become a philanthropist. Today, millions of Americans are currently unable to provide for their basic needs and could certainly use your help. For the other 98%, you will likely see a reduction in your taxes. In the most prosperous days of the US empire, the effective tax rate on the wealthiest Americans was about 70%. That is how the middle class was built. The fact is, restoring the middle class in America will require a redistribution of wealth that begins with increased taxes on the wealthy.

Dear Georgia. Take off the red and blue jerseys. This isn’t a sporting event where you vainly project your loyalty onto a team out of tradition. Sometimes the jersey no longer means what it used to. I was a Dallas Cowboys fan throughout my youth. When Jerry Jones bought the team and disrespectfully fired Tom Landry, I quit. I wasn’t going to stick by an emblem when it was no longer the emblem of people I respected. Well, in today’s world of government, the same idea applies. I grew up with so many Republicans who are still wearing that Jersey today. Yet, I’m still hopeful that they will see how our country has changed, and evolve. I know the Senate runoffs in Georgia will change US history. Since I don’t live there, all I can do is hope that the citizens of Georgia choose America over their worn out jerseys.

-Rondym Kiefe

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