Give Biden His Due

Give Biden His Due

I feel sorry for Joe Biden at this point. He has done an extraordinary job, and he just gets disrespected at every turn. The idea that his approval rating is so low is absurd. It only serves to demonstrate how uninformed and egocentric the average American is. Let’s talk about it, piece by piece.

First of all, he was denied any congratulations for winning the presidency. His victory included the most votes for any presidential candidate in US history. Instead, he had to deal with republican traitors, lies about fraud, and an insurrection based on those lies.

He was able to cool things down and unleash the vaccines on a pandemic that his predecessor had allowed to run unabated. Unfortunately, even getting vaccinated and allowing the country to move forward was turned into a divisive political issue by the republicans. Regardless, it has returned us to some semblance of “normal”.

His handling of Afghanistan was a massive success, despite all the propaganda otherwise. He was handed a bad deal that trump entered into and was wise to just bail the way he did. Such an enterprise to evacuate that many people was an historical achievement. Just like he said, it would allow our enemies to get comfortable. That has allowed us to surveil them and take them out with drones. The fact that the Afghani people weren’t willing to fight for it only confirms that we did not belong there.

Joe has handled Ukraine masterfully. He has thwarted all of Putin’s attempts to weaken NATO and even strengthened it. He has made the war as costly for Putin as possible without getting us directly involved. Once the Ukrainians demonstrated their determination, he has been all in with support. Additionally, there is a ton more that we don’t know about because he knows how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to matters of national security.

The idea of blaming him for inflation and the rise in gas prices is ridiculous. If you understand macroeconomics, you know that there are limitations to what a president can do. Regardless, he has been responsive to every crisis, even swallowing his pride to meet with the Saudis in order to affect any change he could. The gas prices continue to steadily drop. That said, gas prices are a baseline piece of inflation. When the costs of transportation go up (gas), it has a ripple effect through the entire economy. While there are many other factors involved in inflation, he is addressing the ones that he can.

Joe’s legislative achievements are already massive. This 1.5 years in office bears legislative achievements that dwarf the last 12 years of republican administrations. Think about this one. During the last administration, they controlled the entire Congress during the first two years. They could have passed anything. So what did they end up passing? Absolutely nothing except a tax break for the wealthiest individuals and corporations. That’s it. I challenge any republican to show me one piece of legislation that was passed during that time, that actually helped the American people. You can’t, because it doesn’t exist.

Lastly, I want to say this. Even the Democrats are disrespecting him with their position that someone else should run in 2024. Does everyone remember when he ran, that he called himself a “transitional” president. He knows he is old. He ran because of some personal commitments and a sense of duty. He understood how treacherous trump was, and that he needed to be stopped. He was successful and should have been congratulated by everyone.

Anyway, I could go on and on about the achievements that so few seem to care about or want to acknowledge. The media was quick to blame Joe for gas prices. Are they giving him credit now that they are in free fall? I mean, it has been 57 straight days, and now inflation is showing signs of turning around. Anyway, Joe Biden is dealing with crises that we have never seen before and has handled it all with the utmost grace and intelligence. He is fighting for every American and a future that will put us back on track. In the simplest terms, he is a genuinely good man, and an example of what a patriot looks like. If not admired, he should certainly be respected.

– Rondym Kiefe

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