It’s Not That Simple

It's Not That Simple - Rondym Kiefe

It’s not that simple
’cause it’s been years
That I’ve been shouting at the silence
Of your hands against your ears

You told your story
Far from the truth
Put fear in anyone who’d listen
And believe without the proof

How can they still believe your lies
Why can’t you look me in the eyes
Don’t tell me there’s no way to heal
I’m tired of guessing what is real

Yes I remember
each and every word
So if you need to be reminded
We can let the truth be heard

We shared a love once
We both made mistakes
You never tried to make things better
You blamed me and walked away

Don’t tell me we can’t sit and talk
For years we shared an uphill walk
Just tell the truth so we can heal
But please don’t tell me how to feel

– Rondym Kiefe

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