The Debt Ceiling

The Debt Ceiling

The Debt Ceiling

What Kevin McCarthy is doing with the debt ceiling negotiations is not funny. Our leaders are supposed to keep us safe and reassure us that they are handling matters to ensure our well being. It is not funny to dangle 336 million people over an impending national debt default. It is just not what the American people need.

During the last Administration, republican lawmakers voted to raise the debt ceiling 3 times. In addition, they approved the measures that led to a huge increase in the national debt in 2019. So, what is the problem now? Politics. That’s all. A default on our debt would be disastrous, and to use it as high-stakes political capital is more of the extreme behavior that so many forward thinking people have rejected. After all he has done and said, McCarthy lost all credibility long ago. I mean, just compare the tapes. It is shocking that a person could be so unabashedly disingenuous and still reach his position of power.

Anyway, defaulting on the debt is not an option and everyone knows that. I’m just tired of our government being something we have to constantly be concerned with. They used to take away our concerns so we could enjoy genuine American freedom. We need some serious leaders and the red/blue definitions just aren’t enough anymore. Power to the people, right on.

The National Debt

Have you ever stopped to wonder why the richest country in the world has debt? How about the staggering figure of almost 32 trillion? Seems crazy, right?

So, ask yourselves, who actually owes that debt? Well, the American taxpayers do. That it why it is a travesty that many of the wealthiest Americans pay little to no taxes. During the last administration, the wealthiest Americans were given a tax break that resulted in less tax revenue and a spike in the national debt. Even Bloomberg stood before the American people and said he did not want the tax break he received.

Well, the best way to explain it is that the tax break went on the “credit card.” That is, the taxpayers’ credit card. Does everyone get it that the whole thing is a giant racket every time the republicans are in power? They rob the coffers from both sides. Those same billionaires that got the giant tax break also get all the government contracts. It is a full-scale theft every, single time. The part that blows my mind is how many Americans still count themselves as republicans based on the identity politics they have bought into. Friends, your daddy’s republican party is not what it used to be. If you just follow the money, it is clear.

Every American has a responsibility to oversee our government and make sure we are not being robbed as citizens. I am consistently amazed how much money goes out the back door when the republicans are in power, while their dirt-poor supporters hold their empty fists in the air thinking they have won something.

– Rondym Kiefe

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