Rising Gas Prices

Rising Gas Prices

The Rising Gas Prices

Oh, it’s hard to watch these people that don’t get it. Have you noticed the rising gas prices? Do you understand why they are rising? Well, we are headed into an election cycle. The republicans and their allies will inflict as much pain on the American consumer as possible by hiking gas prices. They will blame it on Biden and reap massive profits in the process.

How many times do we have to see this pattern before everyone understands what is going on? Why don’t we have a responsible media that educates the population on what is really happening, instead of a corrupt media that spins everything politically and has a shameless disregard for truth? Corruption and greed. The two main culprits here are Russia and Saudi Arabia, and they are corrupt enemies that Trump was beholden to. He was the corrupt link that foreign powers could take advantage of, and they have.

The Culprits

Saudi Arabia has reduced production to boost prices. Also, look at all the money to Kushner, their allegiance to Trump, their buyout of the PGA, etc. Their design is to buy influence here by using the moral flexibility of the compromised republicans, and it has worked. They found a completely corrupt link and they have exploited it to great advantage. In short, they look to infect our country systematically with their great wealth and influence, and manipulate our politics to their benefit.

So ask yourself, why do the republicans align themselves with them? It is counterintuitive for any rational person. Anyway, republicans have lost perspective enough to abandon putting country before party. Instead, they have been radicalized into a “win at all costs” mentality that is destroying the country.

Trump increased the national debt by more than $7 trillion. He did it with huge tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, not spending on the American people. In other words, the republicans paid out huge tax breaks to billionaires that they tacked onto our debt, for the taxpayers to pay later. Doesn’t everyone get it? He and his friends stole bazillions of dollars and put it on the country’s credit card. Now many of them want to default on that debt. It’s just like a Mafia style “bustout”, where the plan is to suck out all the money and leave the victim holding the bag. In this case the victim is the American taxpayer.

These people need to be stopped and we need a plan to turn this country around. The only way it involves billionaires is their return to fair taxation. Corrupt enterprises like our health insurance industries need to be eliminated. Big pharma needs to be subjected to open market pricing, and universal healthcare must be implemented.

-Rondym Kiefe

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