The Big Reveal

The Big Reveal

Everyone sees what is going on with the UFO’s, right? We are all being prepped for a big reveal, my friends. Not only is there other life in the universe, there is alien life right here on our planet. They are under the oceans, inside of mountains and volcanoes, and all around us. Our government (military) has known things that would blow all of our minds for many, many decades. Pentagon officials recently gave open testimony in Congress that our government is not only in possession of alien craft, we have also recovered “biometrics” (bodies), and much more. In addition, high ranking elected officials, including governers, defense ministers, and congress members, have gone on record to validate the existence of the phenomena. Some even claim our governments are working with alien species as we speak.

Without getting into specific incidents, the evidence is now overwhelming. There is a reason that our government and nearly all the governments of the world are declassifying everything. They are intentionally preparing us for an entirely new reality. I believe I will see it in my lifetime. There is nothing to fear, because if their intentions are malicious, these alien beings are far superior to us and we are defenseless. We will know what to do when the time comes. Hopefully, whoever shows up will be here to help humanity and usher in advances across our existence. You know, the “we come in peace” bit.

Technology Is Revealing A New World

Technology is capturing all kinds of things that are not visible to the naked eye, and beyond the spectral reach of our other senses. There is a whole world all around us, that lives beyond the scope of our perception. Just think about a dog’s senses, or the instincts of a bird. Sorry to burst the bubble, but it turns out humans are pretty challenged when it comes to sensory perception. Anyway, it is becoming increasingly evident that the creatures of lore are all likely real, and we just don’t understand them. That would include just about everything that we now classify as “paranormal”. Let’s just say everything that once finished the campfire question, “do you believe in…?”.

Skinwalker Ranch basically has it all; wormholes, portals, strange creatures and phenomena, etc., etc. It is not a coincidence that Travis Taylor is the star and narrator of the show. He led the government’s most recent investigations into UFO’s, then ended up on TV shows and tours telling the world what he knows. Believe me, he is still working for the government in a project to prepare the American people (and the world) for the big reveal. Our government has gone to great lengths, some quite dark, to keep this stuff secret for decades. The fact that information is now flowing freely can only be intentional.

So What Does It Mean To Us?

If you’re not already paying attention to what is going on, you might want to tune in. The rapid technological advancements of the past 60 years are not the result of human achievement alone. There was intervention by alien species in various forms, including “crashed” craft that we could reverse engineer. That is where the microchip, fiber optics, and just about every technology we use today came from. Just think of how much our world has changed. Now ask yourself if you think it is a coincidence that this began right after humans figured out how to split an atom, and used it to create weapons.

To my more religious friends, do not despair. Archaeology is now proving (with the help of the aforementioned technologies) that many of the seemingly fantastic stories of ancient religious texts are actual historical events. I’m talking about some really wild stuff. It is my opinion that every single “god” that we know of in modern history was a being not from this world. So, if the god you believe in said he’s coming back, expect it to be true. I wish the Vatican would release their archives to the public. They are in possession of knowledge and artifacts that would completely change our understanding of life on our planet and the origins of mankind. Maybe that will happen after the “big reveal” I keep talking about. Sound crazy? Stay tuned.

-Rondym Kiefe

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