The Big Reveal

Everyone sees what is going on with the UFO’s, right? We are all being prepped for a big reveal, my friends. Not only is there other life in the universe, there is alien life right here on our planet. They are under the oceans, inside of mountains and volcanoes, and all around us. Our government… Continue reading The Big Reveal

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The Gun Crisis in America and the Assault Weapons Ban

Let’s get clear on the gun crisis in America, and the assault weapons ban. Let’s talk about it in depth. History of the the Assault Weapons Ban The legislative and political reality is clear. In 1994, when Joe Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Congress passed the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use… Continue reading The Gun Crisis in America and the Assault Weapons Ban

Rising Gas Prices

The Rising Gas Prices Oh, it’s hard to watch these people that don’t get it. Have you noticed the rising gas prices? Do you understand why they are rising? Well, we are headed into an election cycle. The republicans and their allies will inflict as much pain on the American consumer as possible by hiking… Continue reading Rising Gas Prices

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Memories of Saratoga

My Memories from Saratoga I was sitting here reminiscing about my younger years and my adventures to Saratoga and wanted to share my memories from one trip in particular. I haven’t been to a racetrack since well before my son was born. Wow, that seems like a long time now. After that, my dad died… Continue reading Memories of Saratoga

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The Debt Ceiling

The Debt Ceiling What Kevin McCarthy is doing with the debt ceiling negotiations is not funny. Our leaders are supposed to keep us safe and reassure us that they are handling matters to ensure our well being. It is not funny to dangle 336 million people over an impending national debt default. It is just… Continue reading The Debt Ceiling

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Churchill Was Wrong

“Anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head.” – Winston Churchill. You know, when I was young I used to use this quote. Now I understand why Churchill was wrong. Perhaps not as much during his time… Continue reading Churchill Was Wrong

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Give Biden His Due

I feel sorry for Joe Biden at this point. He has done an extraordinary job, and he just gets disrespected at every turn. The idea that his approval rating is so low is absurd. It only serves to demonstrate how uninformed and egocentric the average American is. Let’s talk about it, piece by piece. First… Continue reading Give Biden His Due

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Republicans Need Trump Convicted

Why Republicans Need Trump Convicted More Than Democrats Do As we head into Trump’s second impeachment trial, it is clear that Republicans need Trump convicted more than the Democrats do. After 4 years of Trump, there is great division among those who identify as “Republicans”. Because of Trump and his influence, the very definition of… Continue reading Republicans Need Trump Convicted

Will Our Ozone Return?

The Healthy Sun I saw a film today from the 1970’s. One of the characters was a woman who spent every day in and around the ocean. The one thing that struck me the most was the color of her tan. It was a color that my neighborhood gang wore well, pretty much year-round. Our… Continue reading Will Our Ozone Return?

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Why the Rising Stock Market is a Bad Sign

As I listen to news anchors express their surprise at the rising stock market amidst an economic disaster, it highlights a common misunderstanding of what the stock market represents at this moment in history. I have yet to see anyone explain why the rising stock market is a bad sign, so I’ll break it down.… Continue reading Why the Rising Stock Market is a Bad Sign

Senate Runoffs in Georgia Will Change US History

How Will the Senate Runoffs in Georgia Change US History? The senate runoffs in Georgia will change the course of US history for years to come. If both Democratic candidates win their seats, the GOP will lose control of the US Senate by no longer holding a majority. That would remove McConnell from his role… Continue reading Senate Runoffs in Georgia Will Change US History

Nationwide Holiday Stay at Home Plan

Now more than ever, we need a national plan to end Covid-19 in America. As we approach the end of 2020, the pandemic is raging out of control across the country. In many areas, the virus is spreading exponentially, and hospitals are already pushed beyond capacity. If we continue our current trajectory, hospitals are projected… Continue reading Nationwide Holiday Stay at Home Plan

Trump Ensuring Armed Conflict in America

The Divide The divide between Republicans and Democrats has been growing for decades. Some analysts have predicted for many years that armed conflict is inevitable. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has made the divide irreparable for some, and that spells trouble. As he continues to spread conspiracy theories and blatant lies about anything he thinks will benefit… Continue reading Trump Ensuring Armed Conflict in America

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Does Trump’s Handling of Covid-19 Amount to Criminal Gross Negligence?

What is “criminal gross negligence”? Does Trump’s handling of Covid-19 amount to criminal gross negligence? It almost sounds outlandish to suggest that a president of the United States could be guilty of criminal gross negligence. Unfortunately, the facts strongly support the idea. Black’s Law Dictionary defines gross negligence as “a conscious, voluntary act or omission… Continue reading Does Trump’s Handling of Covid-19 Amount to Criminal Gross Negligence?

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Covid-19 Exploits Trump’s Misdirection to Gain Upper Hand in U.S.

Well, the numbers don’t lie, and today’s numbers spell catastrophe for the United States. For the third straight day, the U.S. reported more than 50,000 new cases. These grim numbers confirm the much predicted failings of the premature reopening, and the inevitability of a future shutdown. Even in states like CA, where the governor acted… Continue reading Covid-19 Exploits Trump’s Misdirection to Gain Upper Hand in U.S.

The Value of Human Life?

Who would have ever thought that circumstances would force us to put a value on human life? Well, those are the kind of questions we are down to with the current pandemic. Officials are now forced to weigh the value of human life against the consequences to our economy and changing our way of life.… Continue reading The Value of Human Life?

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Trump’s Lack of Judgment and Integrity Responsible for Thousands of American Deaths

If you take the time to put together the timeline of facts and events, it is clear that Trump’s lack of judgment and integrity is already responsible for thousands of American deaths. Not only did he completely fail to contain the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in America, he then mounted a disinformation campaign downplaying… Continue reading Trump’s Lack of Judgment and Integrity Responsible for Thousands of American Deaths

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