Blades of Truth

Blades of Truth - Rondym Kiefe

I didn’t sleep a wink last night
Too anxious for an appetite
This morning I’m prepared to fight
With foes who claim to care

My mind is turning endlessly
Prepared for each contingency
This time I have to make them see
What’s happened is unfair

So off to battle truth in hand
I’ll try to make them understand
And hope things work out like I planned
So justice will prevail

I tried my best to end this show
But lies are all they seem to know
So with a loaded tongue I go
To press down on the scale

Before I leave just let me say
It never had to be this way
No matter how things go today
Your heart will start to wilt

For you have built your house on lies
Though many fell for your disguise
In time the tides of truth will rise
And drown you in your guilt

-Rondym Kiefe

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