Concrete Smile

Concrete Smile - Rondym Kiefe

Although we share in equal part
Life’s truly greatest joy
You tried to make him yours alone
Forgetting he’s our boy

And now that life has overgrown
The wounds that never heal
I can’t forget the things you’ve done
Just how betrayed I feel

And when I look you in the eyes
You’re quick to turn away
For time to sort out all your lies
Can’t face me to this day

You made me fight for my own son
That’s too much to forget
But fight I did and won I have
No one believed you yet

Though you can never justify
The twisted tales you’ve spun
I’ll smile and kindly speak to you
It’s better for our son

But don’t think I will soon forget
The selfish things you’ve done
For were you not our child’s mom
I’d turn around and run

– Rondym Kiefe

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