
Étincelle - Rondym kiefe

Her soul was wrapped gently in a sweet drop of rain
Delivered from heaven in a soothing refrain
To a mountaintop misty she lilted to rest
On a wildflower’s bloom where her soul made its nest

A chorus of cherubs converged to her care
From sunshine and honey and gold spun her hair
Her skin pure and soft her smile gently placed
With showers of kisses they bathed her in grace

Her spirit was soaked in the sweetest of scents
Reserved for the heavens and seldom sent hence
Dawn’s light filled her eyes with a kindness that heals
And insight that unconscious knowing reveals

Immersed in the warmth of the waxing of day
Her heart bloomed with love to enlighten her way
To the calm windswept visions inspired by light
Of learning the truth and embracing her might

Just then she was certain her mission was great
The heavens had sent her and written her fate
That her beauty connected to all living things
Like the laughter of children and the joy that it brings

She reached to the skies with her mind and her heart
Read signs in the clouds to give guide to her start
Until one fair night when the moon lit the sky
She climbed to the tiptop and gazed into why

Then just when her fears had swelled up in her eyes
A band of pure voices and light filled the skies
The feelings of warmth and of calm held her tight
She joined in the chorus of brilliance and light

And striking a chord only known to a few
The first time she heard what her soul always knew
It conjured up visions of beauty divine
That lifted her corners and tingled her spine

’til reaching a pitch that poured sound into light
That burst through the skies and gave glow to the night
And cascaded gently like sweet summer rain
To bless those who dream and heal those in pain

She smiled with contentment then rested her head
Satisfied that the plot of her course had been read
That her beauty must journey to spread far its light
And make real the visions of dreamers each night

On the winds of tomorrow she traveled by day
By night spreading light that lets dreams find their way
And just as the heavens inspired her song
They touched her with flight and a loving to long

So each night as townkin below lie asleep
She floats like an angel to mountaintops steep
And rains light upon those who lay in their beds
To make real the visions asleep in their heads

So if one day one of your dreams should come true
You may just smile knowing she visited you
For she sprinkles dreams with the magic they need
To be true just as sunshine gives life to a seed

– Rondym Kiefe

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