Has Anybody Seen My Bigwheel?

Has Anybody Seen My Bigwheel?

I could have sworn you turned right here
Just past the fields where we played
But all I see are rows of houses
And the fences between them
I hardly recognize this place

Has anybody seen my Bigwheel
I need to find a way to get back home
I’m sure that I lived in this neighborhood
But nothing looks the same anymore

That corner store had a phone booth
Next to some newspaper stands
We used to check the coin returns
And turn good fortune to candy
Then down the sidewalks we would race

Has anybody seen my Bigwheel
The one I used to ride every day
If I can just pedal he’ll steer me home
He always could remember the way

That’s where we met after daybreak
Beneath the warm summer sun
Inventing games to pass the time
Transforming streets into playgrounds
We used to swim and bike and run

Has anybody seen my Bigwheel
These photographs have started to fade
And places I knew from my childhood
Have been erased replaced and remade

-Rondym Kiefe

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