On Its Head

On Its Head

I will do what I must now
I have thumbed their ranks
And none are worthy
Of this undertaking

I can’t talk anymore
My voice has grown hoarse
From teaching the pigs
How to sing and dance

My shoulders are tired
From carrying the weight
Of those who never learned
How to think and to feel

But I’ve been here before
Alone in this anguish
Even if they really care
There’s nothing they can do

So I face the judges
Projecting from their pulpits
Justifying standards
With false equivalence

Committed to constructs
Without understanding
Heartless compassion
Egocentric charity

The rest of this lifetime
I owe no explanation
Nor will I answer
To anyone not me

My swan is singing
My resolve is potent
My heart is entrenched
My mind is like a blade

-Rondym Kiefe

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