The House is Burning

The House is Burning - Rondym Kiefe

A harmless whiff of smoke
Enough to raise the brow
Until the men who lit the fire
Declared us safe somehow

Consumed with daily life
The matter fell from view
Have faith in the authorities
We all have things to do

But fire struck again
This time for all to see
Black smoke rose up in clouds of ash
Flames crackled in the trees

Still most returned indoors
It must be safe to stay
The distant blare of siren sounds
Meant help was on the way

Until they heard the roar
Of flames on every side
There was no more denying it
They had no place to hide

With panic in their hearts
They fumbled for their phones
On every screen the message read
This time you’re on your own

-Rondym Kiefe

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