

“Rondympengers” is a collection of random quotes.

“Intelligence is not a quantitative measure of the mind’s contents. Rather, it is a measure of the degree to which those contents are correlated.”

“Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a society’s humanity is best measured in how it treats its most vulnerable people.”

“The best medicine for the human soul is music.”

“‘If you know something, treat it like a poker hand. Keep it to yourself and play accordingly.”

“Life has no place for death.”

“It has become increasingly rare to find a person that has both money and class.”

“We are all unwitting participants in the shapes that surround us, the metaphors born in the stars.”

“Punctuation is a crutch for amateurs.”

“When you tell the truth, your story never changes.”

“A pregnant woman has supernatural powers, which are best admired from a distance.”

“It is unwise to equate wealth with success.”

“Don’t trust a person that never drinks or smokes.”

“When there’s smearage in steerage, the dogma needs a bath.”

“I understand why people have funerals. That’s why I don’t attend them.”

“Sometimes we forgive our parents by repeating their mistakes.”

“Just because you can make an argument, doesn’t mean you should.”

“Religion should never be equated with morality.”

“Carry no pride or pretense and you will never know shame.”

“When you view life in metaphor, the truth is always present.”

“It finds you when you stop looking for it.”

“I lowered my expectations as low as I could and even those expectations were exceeded.”

“I kept my options open, ’til there were none.”

“The entrepreneur that seeks not to be wealthy finds his fortune in the freedom he builds.”

“If you live to love, you will love to live.”

“If someone continues to disappoint you, change your expectations.”

“Conflict is an opportunity for growth when resolved with civility.”

“Live in peace. Rest is already peaceful.”

“Never settle for being a part of someone else’s picture.”

“If she never knew what she had, she won’t miss it when it’s gone.”

“With any amount of power comes equal responsibility.”

“Nothing evokes memories like song and memories are the most precious things we own.”

“It takes two to tango, and likewise takes two to untango.”

“The truth about a person is revealed in how they treat you when you are vulnerable.”

“Spiritualism seeks the truth and draws conclusions from what it finds. Religion accepts a conclusion and searches for facts to support it.”

“If you have never been in jail, you have likely not lived much.”

“Death is not an ending, just a way out of here.”

“Once you cross certain lines, there is no going back. The door closes behind you and your life can never be the same. That’s just the way of it. Once into the wild, you can never be tamed again.”

“When hunger cannot be fed, reap the benefits of fasting.”

“Man in the hands of God is a good thing, God in the hands of man is not.”

“The most powerful words are whispered.”

“It’s not that people don’t care. Life doesn’t care.”

“Party like it’s yesterday.”

“Of course, I don’t belong here. No one does.”

“There is no such thing as ‘tough love’. Love is unconditional.”

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